Slate & Brush Design Studio

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A Year in Review: 2020 Was Wild

For the past few years, my friends and I get together on NYE and write out our goals for the next year and reflect on the previous year. I had some big goals and aspirations for 2020, but I NEVER could have predicted that a pandemic would take over and affect so much of not only my life, but everyone in the entire world. There was a lot of sadness, loss, and deep conversations that needed to be had, but it truly was not all bad!

Here are the top 3 things that happened to me and my business:

  1. I quit my day job that I had for just under 5 years. I had been so unhappy there for so long and it felt pretty incredible to finally say goodbye!! However, my just under 4 year relationship also came to an end as well, so I packed up my studio and my pup and moved back home with my family to take Slate + Brush full time. I definitely didn’t see that coming last NYE.

  2. My products are now in over 20 stores across the U.S. I can’t wait to increase that number this next year.

  3. I really focused on my Etsy shop, and I had more sales in 30 days than I did all of last year combined!

Throughout the year I took risks and tried designing new products. I worked with new clients. I painted things I had never painted before. I even learned how to build a website. In 2021, I will be able to step it up (especially now that I can start working at 9am versus 9pm!) and take Slate + Brush to the next level. So, my word for 2021 is explore. Explore new mediums, new opportunities, and everything in-between. An insane amount has happened in 2020 (a lot of really bad but definitely some good) and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

My challenge for you? Choose your word for 2021. It could be anything - brave, inspire, organize, grow, etc. Write down your large personal and business goals and break them down into small, bite sized pieces. I like to break down my goals into 3 month chunks so that way it doesn’t seem so overwhelming and scary. Big, scary goals are amazing - you just want to break it down so that they’re manageable.

Cheers to a year of growth and exploring!